• To use the services of Altacode Mobile LLC to the full extent, the user must
use current technologies or enable their use of an up-to-date Altacode Mobile LLC
Mobile Applicaon. When using older technologies, outdated apps, or outdated devices,
the user may not be able to use our Altacode Mobile LLC Services completely or not at
all. Altacode Mobile LLC will ensure that all services of the Altacode Mobile LLC Mobile
Applicaon can be used with the latest two major version updates for Android and iOS.
• The user must treat the access data/credenals (the combinaon of email
address and password) as strictly condenal and protect them from unauthorized
access by third pares. The password must not be shared with anyone, including
employees of Altacode Mobile LLC. If the user has reason to believe that the credenals
have been compromised in any way, the user is obliged to change the respecve
password immediately.
• The user must use the services provided by Altacode Mobile LLC as
intended and refrain from acons that harm or endanger Altacode Mobile LLC, other
Altacode Mobile LLC users, or third pares and/or the availability of the services for
other users. The Altacode Mobile LLC GPS Tracker is designed specically for animals,
persons, and object tracking and should therefore only be used for this purpose. In some
countries and regions, there are laws on locaon tracking of animals, persons, and
objects. Only the customer or user of the Altacode Mobile LLC GPS Tracking Device, but
not Altacode Mobile LLC, is responsible for complying with such laws or regulaons.
• Altacode Mobile LLC provides users with the ability to post content in
databases and communicate and interact with other users. The user warrants not to
misuse the services of Altacode Mobile LLC. The user must comply with the following
rules in parcular: The entry of any personal data in the public prole of the user is at
the user's own risk. The publicaon of data from third pares (e.g. The creaon of a
prole for a third party) without the third party's consent or the uploading of an image
that shows a third person without his consent is also inadmissible. The user is solely
responsible for the content stored in his prole. The user agrees to comply with all
relevant statutory provisions when posng content in his prole. In parcular, they must
not distribute any content, material, informaon, and/or pictures that are immoral,
pornographic, obscene, racist, glorify or trivialize violence, distribute radical right-wing
or le-wing ideas, or that are idened as oensive or unlawful in any other way. The
user also undertakes not to threaten or harass third pares or other users and/or violate
their rights. The use of Altacode Mobile LLC Services for commercial purposes is
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